23 Things I've Learned (And Am Still Learning) in 23 Years



23 Things I've Learned (And Am Still Learning) in 23 Years

May 5, 2020

Quarantine has given me a lot of time to reflect. My birthday was a month ago today and since then I've been thinking of all the things. Lessons I've learned through relationships, friendships, struggles, volleyball, and reading books (when you have a quarantine birthday you reflect a little more on your life than usual).

Here are 23 Things I've Learned in the last 23 years: (let's be honest I'm still learning these lessons.)

1. Give more than you take.

2. You will have different kinds of friendships throughout your life, just because it doesn't last forever doesn't mean it wasn't a good friendship.

3. When you start thinking too much, get up, and do something. Just start even if it's for 20 minutes.

4. Boys are fun, but there's nothing like having a solid group of girlfriends. Even if that group of girls is a party of two.

5. People notice a firm handshake and eye contact, make sure you do both.

6. Voice your opinion - but if someone doesn't agree with you remember this:

7. Develop your own definition of success. If you don't you'll be a slave to other people's definition of it.

8. Seek God's presence in multiple ways. I am consumed most by the Holy Spirit through song. But when I am struggling through my primary love language with the Lord I look for another one. Go outside, read the Bible, speak to a friend, try fasting, practice gratitude.

9. Fight to find joy each day. Numbing your way through life is no way to live. Feel the hurt and make space for disappointment, but shift your perspective and make room for gratitude.

10. Speak to people as if they are the most important person in the room.

11. Floss your teeth every night. Honestly, just do it.

12. Separate your feelings from yourself. How you feel does not determine who you are. Act on who you are and not how you feel.

13. You'll never keep up with the Jones'. Stay in your lane and focus on the season of life you are currently in, instead of wishing away your days for what your neighbor across the street has or what the girl on Instagram has.

14. Surrender your life to the Lord daily.

15. Love is an action.

16. Wrestling with God is not wrong, questioning God is not wrong. Talk to him about the troubles you are facing in your life. Be honest and give him the opportunity to answer your questions and struggles. Find space and listen.

17. It is not a failure if you gave your full effort. Sometimes you aren't going to be good enough. You won't get the job, you won't make the team, or you won't get the grade you thought you would. But your effort matters in every situation.

18. Control what you can.

19. Start today. You can do all the planning and preparing for someday, but it usually never comes.

20. Decision-making is hard - practice it. Once you make a decision stand by it. Don't sit on the fence.

21. Be honest and kind.

22. It takes time and effort to show who you really are and be your true self - make small decisions to be your true self.

23. Whether you're playing a large role in the spotlight or a small role in the dark do it with everything you have. Push your pride aside and do the job you were asked to do with everything you have.


I Don't Know About You, But I'm Feeling 22